Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What does Tony Robbins think of the Freedom Account?

For this week's announcement, I was pleasantly surprised to find a reference to our “Freedom Account” in Tony Robbins' book Money: Master the Game.
While the book refers to private placement life insurance, available only to the super rich, you can start your own “Freedom Account” for as little as a few hundred dollars a month to $10,000/month or more.

Our offer is to forward you the synopsis of secrets of the ultra-wealthy, that you can use, too ...
So you can see for yourself.
“View an insider’s secret to affluent planning, a legal way to invest…..all without paying taxes on the gains. - New York Times, 02/09/2011.  

Just leave your email at our site,, and we will send you your synopsis. 

As a bonus, if you want a personal view of how a “Freedom Account” MIGHT lower your taxes and drastically boost your tax-free, retirement income + leave a legacy to your children and grandchildren, leave your email and a note, and we will contact you.

With your personal plan, we will include a full copy of Tony’s best-selling book.

Isn’t it time you took control of your own finances?

Mike Giffin, Ensphere Marketing Group

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